Identity and Social Interactions
After watching all the TED talks and hearing all the different situations and the different social interaction that some people had to endure, it correlated with that person or group's identity. I believe that I have drawn the conclusion, that social interaction and identity depend on each other. Your identity is dictated by the way you interact within you social environment and your social interaction can become your identity. It’s almost like the chicken or the egg situation, no one know which is first.
However, in Jane Novogratz’s TED talk she explained the story of the woman who lives in a poverty stricken village, and how the woman initial identity when was that of a prostitute, as result of that being her only resort to make money. Her social interaction was negative, Jane even said that the woman felt embarrassed that she had to do that sometimes to make money. However once the woman invested money in the credit system and started her business up, she was able to change the way that she socially interacted. As shown in the pictures you could tell that the woman had a different outlook on her identity as she previously did. She was now able to go out into the village and sell her merchandise, instead of sell her body, which a major social interaction change. That was an example of how your social interactions and identity can change without you changing your physical environment.
Tan Lee’s TED talk was very emotional as well as insightful. Her story depicted how identity is not just singular, but in fact can be plural in some situation. Lee spoke on how she got to a point in her life where she felt that she couldn’t go on, she said that her mother reminded her that she was around the age as she was when she decided to leave their old life. She also said that her mother told her ,“Just do it…Don’t be what you're not”. This only made sense after watching Lee’s entire TED talk, and after she spoke on her grandmother experience. It clarified that the identity of the women of Lee’s family have been shaped by their experiences and their social interactions. After watching the TED talks and hearing how people identify based on their social interactions or how the social interactions help create their identity. I begin to do introspect on myself and I believe that my identity is based on what I have been through as well as what I go through on a daily basis, my social interactions. I am confident enough in this theory to say that it is trust for everyone, because everyone has a different identity, just as everyone has different social interactions.