Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Majoring in Sociology

Greetings, My name is Jarmarquis Durst I am currently wrapping up the second semester of my freshmen year at Tarleton State University. I am majoring in Sociology while also minoring in Criminal Justice. I plan use both my major and minor to become a Corrections Officer at the juvenile level. Sociology gives you wide variety of career paths to choose from, and if you still haven't decided once, you have completed your for years. Graduate school is offer so you can continue furthering you studies while improving your chances of landing a better good and usually internships are available. Also sociology helps shape your out look on society and it shows how we are different, but still very the same.

What is Sociology?

Sociology focuses how people behave in society is examine through groups, cultures, organizations and social institutions. This raise question like why do men get paid more than women? Why does baby boys have to wrap in blues? Why does certain countries rank higher than others in anti-depressant drugs? Are we free are do we follow the society? These questions of how society is and works has brought many different answer in which sociology covers.

Jobs Available For A Sociology Major

Sociology covers a wide variety of human interaction, and which makes its job opportunity a wide variety of choices. Sociologist can continue theirs studies by continuing research and experiments, however others minor in the field they seek to be employed in immediately graduation. These are more of the every day jobs like, probation officers, polices offices, accounts,social workers, and ect.

Sociology of Statics

Sociology majors requires students to take a statistics class. Statistics is required in some fields of work, that sociologist have to conduct surveys, and do experiments. In which they will receive responses and results, that they then have to analyze so it can be published and used for other studies. Sociologist that further their stats studies usually broaden their job or career opportunities. http://sociology.about.com/od/Statistics/a/Introduction-To-Statistics.htm 

Jobs at the U.S. Census Bureau

The U.S Census Bureau needs Sociologist to help gain,and analyze data. Sociology majors are required to take at least one statistics class. The ones that are interested in statistic,and furthers their studies, are at an advantage of getting employed. They we eventually help the U.S Census reach their goal of providing mixed data of,"timeliness,relevancy,quality, and cost for the data it collects and services it provides.".

Jobs at the Center for Disease and Prevention

"Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is one of the major operating components of the U.S Department of Health and Human Services.". They have teamed up to help protect the health of communities, by preventing disease injury and disability, and preparedness for new health threats that will occur. To accomplish this the CDC works with researchers and practitioners to meet goals listed previously. This indicates that sociology majors are perfect candidates for this job description needed to fulfill what the CDC needs. 

How To Become a Probation Officer?

Probation Officers are required to have at a bachelor's degree, and completion of  several types exams. Also officers have to complete at least one yea depending on their employers policy and the level or position they are applying for. There is an age requirement between the ages 21-37, also applicants can not be convicted of any felonies. Some important qualities for individuals to have is; Communication skills, Emotional stability, Critical thinking, Decision-making skills, and Organizational skills.

Probation Officers and Correctional Treatment Specialists

Probation Officers and Correctional Treatment Specialist requires a bachelor's degree, and a completion of an oral, written, and psychological exam. Probation officers usually monitor and help individuals that have been charged with a crime, but is not serving time in jail. These individuals usually have to to find jobs and stay out of trouble to prevent from going to jail. Probation Officers are also responsible for testing offenders for drugs and other substances. Reports of the offenders progress are noted by the probation officer.

Important Qualites of a Social Worker.

Social workers posses 6 important qualities; compassion,interpersonal skills, listening skills, organizational skills, problem solving skills, and time management skills. Compassion is needed due to the stressful situations that some of the clients are involved. Social workers have Interpersonal skills, because they have to work with different groups of people from different back grounds.They also have to have inclined Listening Skills to know exactly what their clients need. They may have many different cases so they need Organizational skills as well as Time Management skills. Last but not least they have to be able to Solve their clients problems.

What Do Social Workers Do?

The Bureau Labor Statics states that social workers, generally identify people who need help. They help people solve those problems in their everyday lives. There are many different types of social workers.Social Workers usually require a bachelor's degree, however individuals seeking a medical social work job, will need to have a master's degree with at least 2 years of graduate school. Social workers usually have a variety of different work environments from schools to offices to clinics. Some states require employees to have certain certifications and license.

American Sociological Association: Code of Ethics

ASA website lists 5 Codes of Ethics that they encourage their members to abide by in order to contain professional responsibilities and conduct. Professional Competence, Integrity, Professional and Scientific Responsibility, lastly Respect for people's Rights,Dignity, and Diversity were the 5 principles listed, that should be exercised in everyday professional activities. This helps improve the sociologist performance in that discipline, and minimize any future penalties or errors in research or practice.


American Sociological Association

The ASA provides a unique set of services to; colleges, universities, researchers,students,and practitioners, of a non-profit membership associations. They aim to articulate policy and implement programs to alter sociology for now and the future. Through their Executive office the ASA proclaims to promote the vitality,visibility and diversity of the discipline. 


Sunday, March 22, 2015

Broken Windows Theory

The Broken Windows Theory collaborates sociology it criminal justice. Society is a major part of this study, it shows why crime happens in certain neighborhoods, and cause for neighborhoods to transition from thriving communities to undesirable places to live.



In sociology sex is refers to the physical body part an individual has that separates them from the other. Gender on the other hand is a set of rules and norms that society has pushed upon a certain sex. Sociology helps separate the two, and also points out the differences. For example, when a male baby is born they are usually given boy things to indicate they gender, and girl are usually given pink things to indicate they are females. There things that society have been doing for years, and will be hard to change because society doesn't change easily.


After Graduation

Durham University constructed this line graph that shows over 50% of their students that graduated in 2013  took on full time jobs, and more then 20% of them began studies in the sociology realm of work. A significant amount of those students that were continued full time study are mostly applied sociology students. 

Requirements Needed to Become a Sociologist

Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates most sociology jobs requires an individual to have a master's degree or Ph.D. A person is still able to obtain a job in fields like, social services, education, and public policy with a bachelor's degree. There is also a set of skills need to be an efficient sociologist, not including the level of education completed. Those skills are; analytically,communication,critical-thinking,problem-solving, and writing skills. Those skills will be used at one point or another in the sociological profession.

Karl Marx

Karl Marx composed the theory that society was unequal, and that it was controlled by a very small amount of the population,this is also known as capitalism. Due to the fact that Marx had society in his study, his theory is considered to be a major part of Sociology. In which is one of the basics that, you usually learn about in intro to Sociology.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

What do Applied Sociologist do?

Applied Sociology is used in day-to-day work. For example, some sociologist are hired by private investigators, to go and take surveys of employee's happiness level with their working conditions, to see what changes if any can be made to increase productivity at that business. Also applied sociologist can study a specific social group to observe the different problems and issues that take place in that community. This also can be an advantage for any sociologist that is seeking a career in the Criminal Justice field of work.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Sociology Outside of Academia and Misconceptions of Applied Sociology

Welcome to the Sociology At Work Podcast clarifies applied sociology. Applied Sociology is,"...using sociological theories, concepts, principles, and methods outside of an academic setting". However, applied sociologist have struggled to gain recognition at the professional level, due the confusion of what they actually do in their work force. This problem is acknowledged in the first part of this podcast. https://soundcloud.com/sociologyatwork/welcome-to-the-sociology-at

What Is the Pay Scale for a Sociologist?

Sociologist pay scale varies, this explains that on average they can earn $79,460 per year according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. With more complex working task and research precautions, the salaries can rise to over $129,780 annually. The Sociologist that were employed by the federal government had the highest paid salaries at an average $97,510 per year.