Week 14
Week 14

Well it has to start somewhere, and the good thing about it is that there is always going to be people to help and different ways to assist people. That is one of the beauties about advocating and activist,and that is what I got from the many different Ted talks and videos from this week's material. To piggy back off last week topic of how one just doing something so small can have an impact on a social injustice. Well, this week's topic is fitting for an individual that has made their mind up that they want to help and is wanting to know which way would be effective for them. After reading Alexander's text, one can see the many different forms of advocating, and the groups of individuals that it indeed affected and didn’t. Meaning that something that you could be an advocate for and possibly have or make another social justice go unnoticed. Which isn’t always intentional. Actually, to me it's an eye opener, which makes an individual develop passion, for which social injustice that they plan on standing up against. Also, as we know things change with time and some that was fought against 60 years can find a new way to suppress individuals. This is also something that I believed that Alexander was getting to in the text. For example The Civil Right and the activist involved were standing up against inequality and discrimination against minorities, and which from a political standpoint they were very successful. However, the form of suppression has change, there is a new form of discrimination, now African Americans are more subjected to being easily tried as adults and getting wrongfully sentenced. This is thought of as the new form of Jim Crow and which other group of advocates will have to stand up against. So there is people who need help and there should be people for their assistance.
I enjoyed reading your entry! I agree that this week's topic ties very well with the one from last week. An action comes with consequences. A decision to help or not will change the outcome greatly. Sometimes, we are the advocate ourselves without even realizing that we are because we're too passionate about the particular matter. Other times, we need others to pull us out (maybe because we're not confident enough). We need others to enlighten us. Kind of like UT's motto, "What starts here changes the world." Whatever we do usually has a ripple effect. Simply sharing a post might help someone understand more on a certain topic. It's been a wonderful journey discussing social justice with the class. I hope that we eventually are all able to learn to get comfortable with being uncomfortable.